AKTI leads the way as the responsible, credible voice of the knife community
We advocate for the sporting knife and tool industry and all knife owners, promoting knives as critically essential and valuable tools in our daily work and recreational lives.
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AKTI Offers Resources Exclusive to Your Business – accurate, up-to-date knife law information, how to protect your intellectual property, fight counterfeits, know Proposition 65, use knife standards, have access to a knife expert attorney, and more. Resources
AKTI Advocates for Your Business – on Capitol Hill and in state capitals nationwide, resulting in many key legislative successes for our industry, repealing restrictions to knife manufacture, sale, and ownership. History and Successes
AKTI Encourages New Knife Owners – by providing valuable information so knife owners are confident to buy and carry their knives. Knife Owner Resources
AKTI Works to Solve Common Industry Problems – by sharing issues and solutions, gathering data, and working with experts and other organizations or businesses.
Contact us if you have questions about industry membership levels. You can also download a form to mail or email to join or renew – AKTI Industry Membership Application.
Renewing Your Membership?
Please login so you do not have to re-enter all your information. If you need to make any changes, you can do so on your account page. Review your information and then select Subscriptions to renew. Memberships renewed within 30 days after the expiration of the current membership year will be adjusted to one year from the original expiration date.
Which Membership is Right for You?
Industry memberships are listed in your business name, and the number of persons listed in the membership record who have personalized log-ins and receive our industry news emails are based on your membership level.
There are two main membership categories – Associate and Premier- with additional options for choosing the membership that best suits your business. There are different payment schedule options available.
Associate Memberships
Associate Members are invited to participate in the annual meeting (held during the Blade Show) but are not eligible to vote. All Associate Members receive:
- You can choose whether to receive a membership card, a certificate suitable for framing, and a new member packet.
- Monthly membership news, industry news emails, and copies of AKTI publications
- Access to reliable, legally accurate knife law database
- Access to valuable knife business information
Platinum Associate Annual Dues: $1200 (or $100/month). The membership record can list three people. Platinium Associates are eligible to participate in various programs, such as donating knives to legislators, and are invited to roundtable discussions and industry presentations.
Gold Associate Annual Dues: 600. Two people can be listed in the membership record.
Silver Associate Annual Dues: $300. One name is listed in the membership record.
Bronze Associate Annual Dues $150. One name is listed in the membership record.
Premier Memberships
Three levels of Premier Membership are eligible to vote at the annual meeting: Premier, Advisory, and Supporting Advisory. All Premier Members also:
- Can list up to five people in the membership record to have website log-ins and receive our industry news emails
- Receive a wooden membership plaque
- Your company logo and website are linked from our website
- Receive publications and communications crucial to your business
- Access to reliable, legally accurate knife law database
- Access to invaluable legal assistance
- Press releases shared in Industry News and AKTI’s social media
- Jobs can be posted in the AKTI Career Center
- Can participate on AKTI committees
- Are invited to participate in giveaways, round table discussions, and industry presentations
Premier Member Annual Dues: $2,500 (or $625/quarter or $209/month)
Advisory Member Annual Dues: $5,000
- Advisory members are Premier Members involved with the Board of Regents in decisions about AKTI’s efforts and programs.
- They can participate in two meetings per year with the Regents, usually held during the Blade Show and the SHOT Show.
- Advisory members pay their expenses to attend meetings and frequently donate other services to the organization.
Supporting Advisory Member Annual Dues: $10,000
Supporting Advisory Members serve as Advisory members (see above) who also provide committed additional annual financial support.
Please get in touch with the Executive Director regarding an Advisory or Supporting Advisory membership.
AKTI is a 501(c)6 nonprofit association Federal I.D. 42-1472615. Dues are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes but may be deductible as a business expense, subject to restrictions imposed due to lobbying activities. The IRS requires that nonprofits inform you of the estimated non-deductible amount. Dues or contributions to AKTI are not refundable.