No Illegal Knife Types in Texas
Effective September 1, 2017 there will be no restrictions on the carry of knives in Texas except for knives with blades over 5-1/2 inches (restricted in certain locations). The criminal intent to use an item will be the determining factor, not the possession or carry of a particular type of knife.
HB 1935 eliminates Bowie knives, daggers, dirks, stilletos, poniards, swords, and spears from the Texas statute 46.02 Unlawful Carrying Weapons and the definition of an illegal knife. They may be carried throughout the state (except for restrictions on blades over 5-1/2 inches).
Knives with blades over 5-1/2 inches will be defined as “location-restricted knives” and will not be able to be carried in establishments that receive more than 51% of their revenue from alcoholic sales, high school, college or professional sporting events, correctional facilities, medical facilities, amusement parks, or places of religious worship. There will be an exception for someone using a location-restricted knife in a historical demonstration or ceremony in which the knife is significant to the performance of the ceremony.
Additionally, it will be illegal to sell or give any child under 18 years of age a location-restricted knife.
For detailed state law information, visit