One year later, the American Knife and Tool Institute remembers the victims and volunteers who died on September 11, 2001.
Boston Revised Ordinance Passes, Permits Recreational Knife Use and Carry
AKTI lobbied for changes in Boston’s knife ordinance that banned knives with blades in excess of 2-1/2 inches. The changed ordinance allows for use of recreational knives with longer blades.
AKTI One-Hander Law Signed in California
Governor Gray Davis of California signed SB 274, the American Knife and Tool Institute-sponsored bill that further clarifies the definition of a one-hand opening knife so they are not wrongly classified as switchblades, which are banned in California if they are two inches or more in blade length.
New York Bill Banning 4-inch Knives Appears On Hold
A New York Bill banning 4-inch knives is apparently on hold. The bill is of concern to AKTI because it deals with “possession” of a certain class of knife based on blade length.
AKTI’s Legislative Action Plan for Knife Industry Manufacturers, Importers and Distributors Will Build Support with Lawmakers, State by State
The American Knife and Tool Institute unveiled its new Legislative Action Plan at the 2001 S.H.O.T. Show in New Orleans. The annual trade gathering also marked the third anniversary of AKTI.