Reply from AKTI to a July 25, 2006, article in the Wall Street Journal titled “How New, Deadly Pocketknives Became a $1 Billion Business.” The American Knife & Tool’s response focuses on the importance of pocketknives as tools used daily by millions of Americans.
Manufacturers, Labor Support Firearms Industry Protection
Legislation was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives to hinder frivolous lawsuits against law-abiding businesses that seek to blame them for the criminal misuse of legally sold firearms. AKTI supported a similar bill proposed the previous year.
AKTI Poll Results on Knife Definitions
More than 86 percent of AKTI individual members believe that AKTI should take the official position that “there are no good knives; there are no bad knives,” based on a Winter 2005 poll the organization conducted among its members.
AKTI Discourages Michigan Bill to Outlaw Multibladed Devices
A letter-writing campaign promoted by AKTI in response to the introduction of H 5797 by Representatives Smith and Hood in the Michigan legislature effectively discouraged the bill from being considered and it died in committee.
New York Knife Bust Update
AKTI responded to the arrests of New York City knife retailers in late 2003 and early 2004 by contacting the head of the NYPD task force directly, explaining that gravity knives have not been produced in this country for some 50 years. We also provided materials and referrals for attorneys representing various defendants.