November 16, 2011 – Boston Update
A public hearing is scheduled by the Boston City Council for Friday, November 18, 2011 and AKTI will have representatives there to attend and provide expert testimony.
New language to the proposal is expected prior to the meeting but is expected to still target convenience stores, requiring them to obtain a license to sell knives. If you are from the Boston area and know any convenience store owners, please alert them to this problem.
AKTI is aggressively fighting this proposal, but we need the people in Boston to contact their City Councilperson (617) 635-4500 and Mayor Menino’s Office (617) 635-4500 and voice their concerns. If you sell knives in the city of Boston, do business in Boston, or are a concerned Bostonian, make that call TODAY.”
Based on the current language of the proposal before the Boston City Council, the American Knife and Tool Institute is opposed to and does not see that any changes could improve the proposal to a point that it would not continue to have an adverse impact on its members and those entities that its members do business with as well as individuals who desire to purchase knives legally. Our members produce quality safe products that are part of daily life of people all throughout the world. These products are responsibly sold and purchased at many different retail outlets or through dealers.
AKTI and its members believe that the current regulations around the sale of knives go above and beyond what is needed in the City of Boston. AKTI does not in any way support or endorse the illegal sale of knives or any illegal use of a knife or tool under current law in the City of Boston.
For the background story
Proposed Ordinance Providing for Licensing of Stores That Sell Certain Knives
Read about when AKTI intervened in Boston in 2001
Current Boston Ordinance Regarding Knives
City of Boston Knife regulations: 16-39.1
Prohibition of Sale of Dangerous Instruments.
No person shall sell, give or deliver to any person under eighteen (18) years of age (hereinafter referred to as “minor”) any of the following:
a. Knife having a blade with a length of two (2″) inches or more;
b. Ice pick or similar implement having a metal pointed shaft and handle;
c. Straight edged razor or razor blade fitted with a handle.
Transient vendors, peddlers or hawkers, as defined in Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 101 (licensed or unlicensed) are prohibited from selling the above listed dangerous instruments in the City.(Ord. 1997 c. 9 § 1; Ord. 2001 c. 1) Penalty, see subsection 16-39.2