Observing National Hunting and Fishing Day by taking someone hunting or fishing for the first time should include teaching them proper knife safety.
The American Knife & Tool Institute (AKTI) is encouraging all outdoor sportsmen and women to enjoy National Hunting and Fishing Day on Saturday, September 26, 2020. Many people observe the day by taking someone on their first experience. “Knives are essential tools used while hunting and fishing,” said CJ Buck, CEO of Buck Knives and a founding member of the American Knife & Tool Institute. “We encourage everyone taking someone for the first time to include basic knife safety tips in instructions.”
When President Richard Nixon signed the first proclamation of National Hunting and Fishing Day in 1972, he wrote, “I urge all citizens to join with outdoor sportsmen in the wise use of our national resources and in ensuring their proper management for the benefit of future generations.” National Hunting and Fishing Day is now celebrated on the fourth Saturday of September each year and events recognize all that hunters and anglers have contributed to wildlife and conservation through their licenses and contributions to support these traditions.
“National Hunting and Fishing Day is the perfect time to expose someone to the great outdoors,” added CJ Buck, “and knives are part of the tradition that needs to be shared with first timers and future generations.”
“The American Knife & Tool Institute’s mission is to educate, promote and inform about knives as valuable tools,” said John Sullivan, AKTI President and Director of Compliance at W.R. Case & Sons Cutlery, “and one of our first projects was to develop knife safety information geared towards children and first time knife users. We urge anyone taking someone hunting or fishing for the first time to share proper knife safety.”
Outdoorsmen and women can learn more about participating on National Hunting and Fishing Day at nhfday.org.
Information about introducing kids and others to knives and knife safety is available at AKTI.org/education.