AKTI educates lawmakers, the law enforcement community and the general public that knives of all shapes, sizes and mechanisms are intended as tools for a variety of essential tasks. Knives perform vital jobs, recreational and even life-saving functions.
Please see our Resources section for legal tips, AKTI’s Approved Definitions and Knife Measuring Protocol.
We strongly emphasize the importance of using knives safely.

Knife Safety Key Points (SASS)
- Stop – make sure no one else is within arm’s reach
- Away – always cut away from your finger or other body parts
- Sharp – a sharp, clean knife is a safe knife
- Store – knives closed, in a sheath or knife block
My First Knife Video
Whatever your age, learn the basics on knife safety, maintenance and how to make your knife last for years to come. Watch AKTI’s video My First Knife
Kids and Knives
- Kids and Knives– Introducing young people to knives involves parental guidance and familiarity with the important aspects of ownership.
- My First Knife | (PDF Version) – Tips on Safety, Use, Maintenance, Sharpening, and Outdoor Ethics. Contact us to request print copies to share and be sure to include your mailing address.
- Teach Children Knife Safety
Knife Safety
- Knife Safety and Maintenance Tips Video
- How to Measure a Knife Blade Video
- How to Sharpen a Knife Properly: Hunting & Survival Blade Sharpening Tips (from Wilderness Today)
- Knife Safety, Sharpening, and Maintenance | (PDF version)
- Your New Knife – Choosing the Right Tool | PDF only
Other Resources
- The Ivory Ban: How Does it Impact Knife Owners and Manufacturers
- Knives Save Lives! – stories about how knives were used in life-or-death situations.
- Giving Presentations to various groups – general suggestions
Please also see our Resources section for more information including legal tips on owning, traveling with and using your knives with confidence.
AKTI wants to provide information and materials to help you share knife education. Please contact us with any materials or references you think would be useful.