With the global cost of counterfeits projects to reach almost $2 trillion by 2022, the American Knife & Tool Institute (AKTI) and its members present experts in the fields of intellectual property and brand protection.
AKTI recognizes that creating thriving businesses in today’s marketplace requires a toolkit to address this issue. Information, insights and helpful tips on these topics will be provided in this resource section by Denise Mosteller and Jeremiah Pastrick.
Read the articles below and if you have comments or questions, you can contact the experts.
Trademarks: What Are They and How Do I Get One?
By Denise Mosteller & Jeremiah Pastrick You have worked hard and created a great product. What can you do to protect it? Get a trademark. This article will discuss what can be trademarked and what steps should be taken to apply for a trademark. When people consider getting a trademark, they tend to think of […]
Read More »INFORM Consumers Act
Enhancing Transparency and Protecting Consumers by Denise Mosteller & Jeremiah Pastrick The online marketplace has witnessed remarkable growth, offering consumers a wide range of products and services. However, this growth has also led to deceptive marketing practices and a lack of transparency, leaving consumers vulnerable to potential harm. The INFORM Consumers Act was implemented on […]
Read More »Harnessing the Power of Social Media
In today's digital era, social media has emerged as a powerful tool for brands to advertise and sell their products online. For the knife industry, social media platforms offer immense benefits in terms of reach, accessibility, and connecting with customers across multiple generations. However, the industry also faces unique obstacles when it comes to leveraging social media effectively.
Read More »Become a Super Sleuth
Plagued by counterfeit products? Check out the tips of expert investigators to find counterfeiters! A replay of TrackStreet’s webinar “Become a Super Sleuth: Investigation Tips & Tricks. Conversations with Investigators is available to learn to hone the skills needed to track down those hard-to-find counterfeit products and their source. Denise Mosteller, one of the presenters, […]
Read More »Amazon Brand Registry
By Denise Mosteller & Jeremiah A. Pastrick Amazon was founded in 1996 and went public in 1997. They started off selling books, then moved onto music, movies, video games, consumer electronics . . . and today you can buy practically anything on Amazon and have it delivered to your house, including counterfeits. With more and […]
Read More »Fed Up with a Lack of Cooperation
For those of you engaged in a constant struggle to uncover and address counterfeit goods on Amazon, as well as other online marketplaces, the avoidance of liability by the owners of the channels themselves can be endlessly frustrating. Thus far, marketplace operators have been almost entirely immune from responsibility for not only advertisements and transactions that transpire on their platforms (e.g. eBay) but also, in set-ups like Amazon, for the goods themselves, which marketplace operators take possession of, store, ship and collect fees or commissions on these activities.
Read More »Intellectual Property 101
Unlike tangible forms of property, such as land, goods or equipment, intellectual property (“IP”) is often referred to as “intangible property”, a term that acknowledges the ethereal nature of this type of property. Additionally, these forms of property are born not from the hand but from the mind of their creators. Accordingly, a unifying characteristic of all forms of intellectual property is that they are recognized as “creations of the mind”.
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AKTI’s Brand Protection & Intellectual Property Experts:
Denise Mosteller
Jeremiah A. Pastrick
Contact the experts
Helpful Brand Protection Links:
U.S. Patent and Trademarks Office
U.S. Copyright Office
U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Fighting Counterfeits:
AKTI’s Anti-Counterfeiting Guidelines (PDF)